10 Best jQuery Lightbox Plugins For Designers and Developers

Posted by David Watson . on April 27, 2015

It is quite good that Internet (Web) is getting more and more lightweight with the usage of fresh web technologies. Modal boxes are so handy in presenting any HTML content with a dedicated interface and there are a lot of great ones around.

In this post, we are proving a list of some of the most useful Responsive jQuery Lightbox Libraries and scripts that will definitely assist designers and developers to design & develop attractive websites.

The following scripts can easily be added into your web pages and you can download them straight-away to augment your collection. So, without much further delay, let us check them and store in your resource collection with these amazing Responsive jQuery Lightbox Libraries.

 1. Fluidbox

Fluidbox is a jQuery plugin that makes an exact copy of the fluid lightbox seen on Medium & to augment on it such that it will permit connecting to a larger-resolution photo. It works fine on mobile devices and also this plugin deals with higher resolution, linked images stylishly, such that it only loads them when users click on the thumbnails.

2. Image Lightbox

2. Image Lightbox

Image Lightbox is a thrifty, extensible, configurable, & minimalistic, touch-friendly and responsive lightbox plugin which is compatible with Windows, iOS, and Android Smartphones. It soundlessly preloads following image, uses CSS transform and changeover, communicates with keyboard.

 3. Featherlight

3. Featherlight

Featherlight is a lightweight which is a combination of 400 lines of JavaScript, 100 of CSS and is less than 6 kb. It is a smooth, responsive, supports imageries, ajax and iframes out of the box & you can acclimate it to your requirements. It works on Internet Explorer 8+, all contemporary web browsers and on mobile operating systems.

 4. Swipebox

4. Swipebox

It is a touchable jQuery lightbox for desktop, tablet and mobile. It provisions Swipe motions for mobile, CSS transitions with jQuery fallback, Retina support for UI icons, Easy CSS customization & Keyboard Navigation for desktop

 5. Photoswipe

 5. Photoswipe

PhotoSwipe is a HTML/CSS/JavaScript based image gallery precisely aiming mobile dvices which has been motivated by the iOS photo viewer and Google images for mobile. PhotoSwipe offers your visitors with an acquainted and instinctive user interface letting them to intermingle with imageries on your mobile website.

 6. LightGallery

6. LightGallery

jQuery lightGallery is a trivial jQuery lightbox gallery which is used for presenting video & photos gallery. It comes with countless of features such as touch support for mobile devices, slide and diminish special effects, responsive layout, image descriptions and captions and many more useful features.

 7. Lightcase

7. Lightcase

Lightcase is an extendable and responsive lightbox plugin which has created using jQuery. It works satisfactory in all web browsers like Webkit, Chrome, Opera, IE 7+, Firefox etc. and supports video, photo, HTML5 video, swf, iframe, & ajax calls.

 8. Magnific Popup

8. Magnific Popup

Magnific Popup is yet another amazing responsive jQuery lightbox plugin that is dedicated on enactment and provides best experience to users on any device which it is used for. The majority of lightbox plugins need you to describe size of it through JS option but this plugin does not.

 9. Yalb

9. Yalb

Yalb is yet another Lightbox — but it’s not. Yalb provides you with a few APIs comprising custom events that let you to recognize lightbox states, such as when it has been open and when it has been close.

 10. Nivo Lightbox

10. Nivo Lightbox

It is a flexible lightbox plugin which has numerous options to modify the look into the way you like it to look like, such as altering the theme, the transition effect, and changing the navigation.

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