
40+ Coolest and Strange Clocks Ever Made By Creative Minds

Posted by David Watson . on July 13, 2013

Here, we are showcasing a cool and fascinating gathering of some of the preeminent and coolest clocks ever made. Clock is one of the ancient and also most worthwhile inventions human have ever made. The main use of a clock is to tell the time, but apart from that some of the amusing and attractive clocks are used as wall beautifying auxiliary.

We all know that it is very uninteresting to watch time go by and if you are viewing your clock for more than five seconds then it will turn out to be even more boring and uninteresting. Some artistic minds have developed these cool and fascinating wall clocks in order to make viewing time and waking up to an alarm clock an amusing commotion.

Here is the full assembly after the jump. We hope that you will like this collection and find these attention-grabbing and thrilling clocks attractive.

1. Recycled Bike crank clock

Recycled Bike crank clock

2. Fried Egg Wall Clock

Fried Egg Wall Clock

3. Amazing Diy Gear Clock Dyyof

Amazing Diy Gear Clock Dyyof

4. Melting Clock for Shelf or Mantel

Melting Clock for Shelf or Mantel

5. Unique Wall Clock

Unique Wall Clock

6. Unique Wall Clock Design

Unique Wall Clock Design

7. Anthologie Quartett

Anthologie Quartett

8. Maples Clock

Maples Clock

9. Clock made from a Recycled Sanyo Turntable

Clock made from a recycled Sanyo turntable

10. Manifold Clock

Manifold Clock

11. Continue Time

Continue Time

12. Domino Clock

Domino Clock

13. Karlsson Table Clock Book

Karlsson Table Clock Book

14. Mhin Clock

Mhin Clock

15. Clock Made From A Recycled Magnetic Tape Reel

Clock Made From A Recycled Magnetic Tape Reel

16. Turntable Clock

Turntable Clock

17. Mike Mak Clock

Mike Mak Clock

18. The Oh My Orange Elephant designer wall mounted Clock

The Oh My Orange Elephant designer wall mounted clock

19. New York Modern Wall Clock – Statue of Liberty, Empire State Building Clock

New York Modern Wall Clock - Statue of Liberty, Empire State Building Clock

20. Atomic Metal Clock Sculptures

Atomic Metal Clock Sculptures

21. Guitar Pick Pallet Clock Olyteam

Guitar Pick Pallet Clock Olyteam

22. Sea Jelly Jellyfish ocean clock

Sea Jelly Jellyfish ocean clock

23. Tie Clock

Tie Clock

24. Amazing Clock

Amazing Clock (12)

25. Floral ClockGeneva

Floral ClockGeneva

26. Family


27. Clock Moon

Clock Moon

28. Clocks Made From Vinyl Records

Clocks Made From Vinyl Records

29. Amazing Clock

Amazing Clock

30. Creative Clock Designs

Creative Clock Designs

31. Vague Clock

Vague Clock

32. Lingua Wall Clock

Lingua Wall Clock

33. Red Reversed Numbers Wall Modern Cool Clock

Red Reversed Numbers Wall Modern Cool Clock 16x16

34. Original Modern Clock Designs

Original Modern Clock Designs

35. Dutch


36. Clock


37. Spoon Clock

Spoon Clock

38. Faceless, Handless Clock Tells Time With Light Beams

Faceless, Handless Clock Tells Time With Light Beams

39. Modern Red Wall Clock Design Furniture

Modern Red Wall Clock Design Furniture

40. Modern Wall Clock

Modern Wall Clock

41. Modern Wall Clock Made From Wood

Modern Wall Clock Made From Wood

42. Wall Clock Design

Wall Clock Design

43. Doctor Who Timey Wimey Tardis Wall Clock

Doctor Who Timey Wimey Tardis Wall Clock

44. Polyhedra Globe Wall Clock

Polyhedra Globe Wall Clock

Do share your thoughts with us via comment section below and let us know which Wall clock you consider is the coolest in this collection.

  1. Rowen

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