Have you ever noticed any face, figures or shapes on ordinary things around you like on vegetables, walls, clouds etc.? This thing is quite normal as it is a common observable fact called Pareidolia.
Pareidolia is a psychological phenomenon that lets us to observe shapes, faces, and other objects in totally distinct settings. At times it makes us real confused with certainty.
According to wikipedia, “Pareidolia is a psychological phenomenon involving a vague and random stimulus (often an image or sound) being perceived as significant. Common examples include seeing images of animals or faces in clouds, the man in the moon or the Moon rabbit, and hearing hidden messages on records when played in reverse“.
These random things with figures, shapes, and faces are ideal example of Pareidolia. Please let us know which one of these 50 Things makes you most puzzled.
Happy Face Submarine

Angry Typewriter

This Bag Looks Uncannily Like Phil Jones

A Rose That Decayed Into A Skull

World’s Happiest Airplane


Chicken Face Church

You’ll Scream For This Ice Cream


Buried A Friend Knee Deep In Sand. When He Stepped Out, The Sand Cracked And Made This

Surprised Shining Mixer

Owl with Apple owl.

Bell Peppers Look Like Screaming Faces

Freeze! Or I’ll Shoot!

Sad Fish

Theridion Grallator, Also Known As The Happy Face Spider

Richard Sherman Mop

Chinook Helicopter Gobbles Up Scout Team

Face Plant

Angry Clouds

Confused Alarm Clock

Happy Today

What Are You Doing In My Bed?

Laughing Bag

I’m Watching You!

The Great Deku Tree?

Smiling House

Angry Pickle

Crying Seat Belt

Oh God The Pain

The Bored Turtle

Pouting Lute In The Grassi Museum, Leipzig, Germany

Crying Lady

Crazy Chief Of The Podface Tree

The Stupidest Backpack You’ll See Today


A Polar Bear In My Coffee

Angry Purse

Pareidolia Boat

The Milk Man

Happy Seats Having A Chat

Smiling Hat

Grandma Caterpillar Putting On Lipstick

The Tape Dispenser At Our Factory Is Watching You

Amazed House

Funny Plane

Long Nose

Smiley Face

Usb Face

Pumpkin Stem Looks Like A Dragon!

Awesome collection man. Loved all the images and some are funnt t!oo