
6 Tips on Improving Keyword Rankings For Small Businesses

Posted by David Watson . on September 21, 2021

Did you know that 75% of users on Google never make it past the first page of results? With statistics like these, the importance of a great rank for your business has never been clearer.

Unfortunately, many businesses are still missing the mark on valuable ranking techniques. Lucky for you, that won’t be your business. Follow along to discover our 6 top tips for improving keyword rankings here!

1. Target Relevant Keywords

The first mistake businesses make when choosing their keywords is choosing popular keywords over the ones that fit their content. You see, in order to improve your rankings on Google, your content will have to be the best possible match for your chosen target keyword.

Your options for keywords should be specific to each piece of content and relevant to both your niche and your answers.

Use keyword research tools to boost your keyword research strategy and only target the ones that you can offer valuable insights for.

2. Include a Title Tag

Your title tag is the bit of text that shows at the top of a web browser or on the page tab. While this may seem insignificant, this title tag goes a long way to telling both the search engine and users what your page is about.

This title should be descriptive but brief and always include your target keyword.

3. Leverage Meta Descriptions

Similar to your title tag, your meta description will provide hints to the search engine about where to index your page. Beyond this, your meta description is often displayed on the SERPs to give users an idea of what they can expect.

By improving your meta descriptions and including your target keywords, you can entice readers to click on your page over others. This higher click-through rate will then make your content more relevant in the eyes of the algorithm and boost your rankings on Google.

4. Improve Keyword Placement

Once you’ve found the best options for keywords, you’ll need to know where to place them to make an impact.

Your primary target keyword should be snuggly set into your H1 heading, your introduction, at least one other heading, and your conclusion. You can also sneak it in anywhere it sounds fluid and natural, just remember not to overstuff!

Using local keywords in these key spots is a great way to beat out the competition in a smaller market to improve your keyword rank in that pool more efficiently.

5. Optimize Images

Don’t forget about your non-text elements too!

While images can’t be read by Google bots, their titles and tags can. Be sure to rename your uploaded files to include your target keyword and never leave your posts without a great and engaging image or two – your audience loves them!

6. Leverage Links

Links are for more than just improving website navigation. They also help Google find and crawl your content more efficiently.

Be sure to include internal and external links to your content wherever possible. Build your link structure by linking to and from new content with high-authority pages and share your content to social platforms to increase your backlink authority too!

Improving Keyword Rankings for Success

From improving your keyword research strategy to building your linking structure, we’re confident these tips and tricks will go a long way to improving keyword rankings for your brand.

Want more website advice for your business? Check out our other articles to discover everything you need to know to boost your rankings on Google and make a splash online.

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