How Do I Eliminate Harmful Online Content?

Posted by David Watson . on April 21, 2021

By harmful online content, we mean anything that can destroy someone’s reputation either personally or in business. It is not always easy to remove because often others have anonymously created it and those who could take action offer little support despite having the administrative rights to remove it. So, in these instances, you will need to enlist the help of a specialist company with the knowledge to deal with it. Allowing content that is harmful to you to stay online is not an option because a tarnished reputation is sometimes impossible to restore. So, thinking about Removify on Crunchbase, we will look at how this all works and what other ways are open to us to protect ourselves and our business.

Outside Help

We can pay for outside help to deal with the problem of harmful content posted about us online. It can all be removed with the right software and knowledge. For those who are not that computer literate and just want to concentrate their efforts on running their business, some companies specialize in content removal because they know how hard it is to build a positive image online.

When we went into business, we did not sign up for having to deal with someone intent on destroying our business through targeting our reputation, whether out of spite, devilment, or to get one up on us through unfair competition. As a business, we should at least expect a level playing field, regardless of the industry in which we operate.

What We Can Do Ourselves?

As a business, there are things that we can do to help eliminate harmful content. One of the things is to recognize it exists in the first place. There will be people, loyal customers, that will tell us about it, of course, but we should be the ones as a business discovering it for ourselves so that we can deal with it promptly and effectively. We should regularly check the places online, such as social media platforms, websites, and blogs, where there is potential for unkind and damaging comments to be left. We should know these places because we trade among these companies and communities.

If we do not know where to start with online searching, we could consider computer classes, or let someone else take the strain and deal with the problem for us. This will involve outside help and using a company that will be capable of dealing with potentially harmful online content. The kind of service provider that can restore for us a good reputation and so will ultimately protect our business in terms of its future results and opportunities, and the jobs of our staff.


We should also consider what it is that we are doing as a business to attract harmful content being written about us, or left in the form of feedback and comments. We have either been lacking in the quality of the product we have supplied, or the service we have given, or it might be we have upset someone in some way.

We can put right our product by only selling products that have been through a rigorous quality checking procedure and by vetting our suppliers of the product better. It is harder to restore the reputation and good character of a person than a product but the two are linked when it comes to a company’s reputation. It is particularly important to remove negative content about a product when a company sells a limited number of products or relies on one product for much of its business.

In terms of our service, we can ensure that each staff member is kept up-to-date when it comes to their training so that everyone knows what is expected of them and deals with customers in the same professional way. Consistency is everything with service. Once we deviate from it, then customers will have different experiences and start comparing. We do not want one customer to have a better experience than another but for every customer to have the same positive experience. An experience that should result in positive feedback every time. This then results in repeat and word of mouth business that means we are attracting new customers rather than putting them off.

In terms of upsetting someone, it pays to be nice to everyone, staff, and associates. So, take that extra time to form lasting bonds of friendship and consider the ethos that it is good to help each other. Be sensitive to the different needs of staff. Help those you do business with and they will help you in return. In business, it does not have to be about competition when there is enough business for us all to share.

It might be that we have not upset anybody. There may be a competitor deliberately leaving harmful content that shows our company in a bad light to gain an unfair advantage commercially. We can deal with this through our legal team if we are a larger company. This is not so easy or affordable for a smaller company. We do not want to fight fire with fire but sometimes we might need to think a bit more tactically to survive. If we can prove that another company is deliberately leaving negative content about us, the pendulum could swing in our direction and we can then put their own reputation to the test. Either way, we will want to have that negative content removed quickly before it harms us. We may not always be able to reach those same people who read it to convince them that it is not true.

So, today we have shared a couple of ways to eliminate harmful content and some thoughts on preventing it. Remember, companies exist that can deal with it for you. Contact them and save your reputation and business before it is too late.

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