
How to Start Programming Using HTML

Posted by David Watson . on April 29, 2019

HTML isn’t programming language like Phyton or C++, however, it is the reason we can browse on internet. The definition of HTML is HyperText Markup Language and because of this computer language device, it is possible to create websites similar to the ones you navigate through every day.

Websites can then be viewed by anyone else connected to the Internet, and It is relatively easy to learn how to create them, with the basics being accessible to all people and a few advice’s you can too create your own website at breakneck speed.

Definition of HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language)

Before the advises about how to design your website, is important to know in what consists HTML.HyperText means it is not linear — i.e. you can go to any place on the Internet by clicking on special text called hyperlinks — there is no set order to do things in.

Markup is related to the tags that you configure inside the text, Tags can modulate your type of text (i.e. bolted, italicized text). For last, Language, is associated to code-words that you have to program like any other language.

Choose the best source code editor for you

Only a programmer knows the scenario when you forgot to put a simple “;” (semi-colon) in a code of thousand lines and, as results, you pass hours trying to understand why your program execution is failing. Your best bet are efficient code editors which notify the developer of such and other syntax-based mistakes instantly.

To program in HTML, you have a large variety of source codes. However,we recommend text editors that are more uncomplicated and intuitive: Notepad++, SublimeText and Visual Studio Code, for example. It is really easy to search for pros and cons of each editor; every editor is free and accessible to all whole computer software.

Always do a mockup before you star programming

Since you want to do a website, it makes sense to start to design in paper and have a first solid idea of what you want to project in your computer screen. Mockups are not the final product – they’re only a visual tool used to display your work.

Let’s start off the projection by organizing the tasks. First define the objective of your website (It is going to be a website about your travels? Or are you interested in exposing your delicious recipes?).

Later, it’s important to choose the set of colors and what style of lettering you want in your Web page. We advise you to simulate your mockup, which is based on using tools like PowerPoint and search websites such as and to help you with your design.

Learn CSS

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a style sheet language used to decorate and emphasize a document written in a markup language like HTML. CSS is a cornerstone technology of the World Wide Web, alongside HTML and JavaScript.

HTML without CSS are justblocks of text in order. CSS is designed to enable the separation of presentation and content, including layout, colors, and fonts. After you learn HTML, it’s very simple to understand CSS, they have similar codes and identical code-words. The source code editor that you chose for HTML can be the same and they have to be connected by a tag <link>.

Best websites to learn

You can get started on your coding journey online with a simple search “Free HTML courses”. There are plenty of websites that are able to teach you this markup language for free. W3schools is on our top 1 list because it has a bunch of examples that you can edit in the actual page, but you can also learn from Codecademy or Lynda for a free quick learning. Another way to learn, a bit more expensive, is to pay for online courses. In this case, we recommend Udemy, which is more integrative and at the end you can get a certificate.

When you master HTML and CSS, you should learn more complex languages to implement in your website, such as PHP, SQL and JavaScript. Soon, you will add all these tools to your skillset, and you will be able to create an impressive resume and portfolio.Good luck in this long journey through the wonders of web design! Remember that the night is dark and full of bugs, so just have some patience!


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