Top Tips For Building Brand Identity on the Web

Posted by David Watson . on July 1, 2021

Your brand identity is one of the primary founding factors for a good marketing plan. It informs the customers about your core values and attracts the targeted audience. Building a brand identity is the only way to accomplish brand awareness and generate sales. How your brand identifies determines almost every aspect of your company – from internal activities to external infrastructure. The color of your workplace, your website’s look, the paper, and the font of brochures – everything helps in constructing the identity. These are all the things that leave an imprint on your potential customers’ minds and gradually convert them into your buyers.

Now that the business world is becoming a virtual marketplace, customers worldwide are inspecting brands closely. If you’re only starting up with a new venture, or if you’re looking for an expansion, you should be focusing on your visual identity. It is the only way to capture the attention of the modern-day market base.

Even if you’re not an online buying-and-selling business, you need to build a website for your brand. It is a place that speaks for your credibility and allows your interested buyers to become more informed about your brand. A website helps in contacting your customers promptly and with easy access. However, there are several things that you need to consider before setting up a website for your company, and you might need professional help for the initial work process. You can take assistance from web designing companies around you, or you can search online to find professional services.

For instance, if you are in Brisbane, Australia, you can search online by typing website design Brisbane to get the best possible options on your screen. So, when you plan to build a brand identity on the web, remember some of these tips:

Brand Identity

  1. Plan a Layout

The first and foremost step to focus on while building visual identity is how your website looks at first glance. To stay effective, you need to plan a layout; fortunately, there are quite some innovative designs to help you sort it out. For instance, if your business is not too much of an imagery brand, e.g., a consultation business, you can work with one featured image. Or, if you need your customers to see how your brand looks, e.g., clothing or accessories, then go for the grid. It allows you to showcase several useful images on one page and attract the customers who are here to surf through the pictures of your products. There is so much for you to explore, and the more you do your research, the better idea you will come across. So don’t be hasty in web-designing, and don’t hesitate to consult a professional.

  1. Evoke Emotions

To remain memorable and mesmerize your audience, you must evoke emotions with the choice of colors, quotes, and images you imply in your visual identity. First and foremost, identify the feelings and reactions you want your viewers to go through. When portraying optimism and positivity with your services, go for warm and bright colors which feel welcoming to the eye, such as the logo of IMDb or Nikon. To represent fun and friendliness, go for cheerful colors which are attractive to the eye, like the logo of Fanta. To convey boldness, go for youthful and exciting colors like red and maroon. They leave an impact of motivation on the viewers. You can choose to be creative with more subtle but still prominent colors like pink and purple, or you can show dependency with more mainstream colors like blue. Green and its shade represent the more peaceful emotions, mainly focused on healthy and growing products. Or you can go wholly balanced and neutral to represent simplicity like that of a newspaper.

  1. Focus on Staying Simple

When designing a website, you will play with different ideas and see them in real-time. But don’t be tempted to add everything as it would reduce the functionality of your website. Staying accurate and straightforward will make your web easy to use. So, the audience would like to return again and again. Of course, it depends upon the type of audience you are targeting. If they belong to the tech-savvy generation, then don’t hesitate to add the interactive engagement features. But suppose your brand represents the older gen of the population. In that case, you must stick to the traditional system with top navigation and drop-downs. But remember to choose these navigations system wisely as they make your website stand out and displays what your customers can expect from you. So keep focusing on the needs and demands of your target audience because the primary purpose of your website is to cater to them and not just look impressive.

  1. Be Consistent

The key to always being remembered by your audience is staying consistent! The more you remain in their view, the more they get used to you, and hence, your brand becomes memorable. It means that the color theme you choose for your logo should also be complementing your web design. And your web design should be present in your social media posts, aligning the theme and making it a recurring communication style. This way, your audience will learn to correlate your brand with the specific design. It will be able to recognize it amongst the competitors. To achieve this type of uniformity, clearly convey your visual identity choices to your photographer, web designers, or graphic designers. For instance, if your company stands for eco-friendliness, you should communicate this on all platforms where you represent your brand. It will make it easier for your customers to grasp and understand the reason behind your brands’ existence.

  1. Convey Your Mission (Our Story)

For better branding of your brand, you must be completely clear about your mission. It should not be something brand-related, rather something which creates an empathetic relationship with the consumers. On your website, create a web page that is only about your brand’s vision and mission and includes a column like ‘Our Story’ or ‘Brand Story.’ Such content is essential in today’s world because consumers want to know who they are buying from just as much as they want to know about the product or service. If your story inspires them enough, they might connect with you and become loyal to your brand.


There are several other factors that you can look into before establishing your brand-building strategy, and so, keep researching and developing. The world is changing every day. Only the businesses adapting to the new trends are staying successful in such cut-throat competition.

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