3 Corporate Gift Ideas for Your New Employees

Posted by David Watson . on January 12, 2022

Every corporation is looking for new ways to make employees feel welcome and appreciated. It’s a proven fact that showing employees that they’re appreciated increases company morale and employee productivity.

Giving new employees a gift as part of their onboarding process is an excellent way to show them how welcome and supported they are at your company, as well as showing them they’re a part of your corporate family. But what kind of gift do you get a new employee? With our list of three corporate gift ideas for new employees, you should have no problem finding a way to welcome your new hires.

Monogrammed Phone Cases

Nothing says thoughtful gifts more than personalized items. Custom phone cases are typical gifts to people you’re close with or your loved ones. But it has a certain charm as a corporate gift. If the design is done to match the taste and preferences of every employee, they would surely feel valued and welcomed which creates a better working environment for everyone.

Custom Pocket Folders

A custom pocket folder or set of custom pocket folders can be the perfect welcoming gift for a new employee. Pocket folders, also known as presentation folders, are helpful for keeping important documents organized and for making a professional presentation. These pocket folders typically include two pockets but can consist of more, and they come in paper, vinyl, or other materials. In addition, companies like Mines Press offer customization options, such as foil-stamped, embossed, and color-printed folders.

Custom pocket folder gifts show your new employees that they’re a part of your organization and that you’re happy to have them here while also providing them a way to present their business professionally and promote your business simultaneously.

Live Plants

A live plant is another excellent gift for new employees. An indoor plant will beautify your employee’s workspace while giving them an enjoyable, satisfying piece of decor. In addition, it’s proven that a living plant will reduce stress, increase productivity, and improve creativity. Not to mention, these plants will fill your office space and provide a comfortable, calming atmosphere for your entire staff to work productively. As a result, plants make incredible corporate gifts as they benefit your employees and business.

When you’re choosing a plant to gift to your employees, it’s best to go with an allergen-free option, such as the snake plant, succulents, or Chinese evergreen, to avoid upsetting anyone in the office’s allergies. In addition, companies like Lively Root provide unique customization options like corporate logo engravings, personalized notes, and custom pot designs to add a more personal touch to your gift.

Showing Your Appreciation

Corporate gifts are an exceptional way to show your employees that they’re welcome and supported. In addition, these gifts start a company culture that your people will uphold. Once you establish a giving, supportive, and caring company culture , your employees will promote that culture, be more productive, and find their jobs much more fulfilling.

So, when you want to show your employees some appreciation and welcome them to your team, consider gifts like custom pocket folders, live plants, and care packages. Though there are many more gifts out there to choose from, these three are fun, practical, and beneficial gifts for any employee and company.

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