5 Common Video Marketing Challenges

Posted by David Watson . on July 1, 2022

Video marketing is an essential aspect of a successful marketing campaign. According to Google research, 55% of clients today rely on videos to make buying decisions. Video marketing can also drive your conversion rates by 86% and guarantees a higher return on investment. However, running a successful video marketing campaign is daunting, and one wrong move could cost your business money. Read on for five common challenges in video marketing and how you can combat them.

1. Lack of an objective

One of the most significant challenges of a video marketing strategy is failing to have an objective. When you do not understand why you are making videos in the first place, you will waste the company’s time and resources, not to mention diluting your content and message.

To define your video marketing objectives, you should determine your target audience and their challenges. This will help you establish the type of content you should create. You could create how-to guides, cover events, conduct interviews, questions and answers segments, unboxings, or show behind-the-scenes glimpses. Be sure also to establish the emotions you want to evoke but be careful not to appear offensive or insensitive.

2. Inadequate time to develop video content

Marketers are often tasked with many responsibilities, including creating multiple forms of content for different marketing platforms. This makes it challenging to allocate sufficient time to video production, especially in the pre-production stage, where you have to develop ideas, write scripts, and cast, to mention a few. To curb this challenge, you should consider establishing a well-thought-out video marketing strategy. Alternatively, you can outsource your video production to help you free up your time to focus on other crucial aspects of your marketing strategy.

3. Making the video content too salesy

While the primary goal of any marketing strategy is to encourage customers to purchase your products and services, you should not make your message too salesy. Most marketers jump into why customers need to buy from them without gaining the client’s trust first. This results in reduced engagement and failing to achieve the desired outcome. Use stories to inspire, entertain, and educate your target audience and establish how your company can add value to their lives to get clients to take the desired action.

4. Failing to promote the video content

Creating video content is not enough. You further need to promote it to gain traction and achieve the desired results. Once you upload a video on your homepage, you should:

  • Share it on the various social media channels, including Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram
  • Consider paid ads to increase traffic to your site
  • Add the video to your email newsletters
  • Embed it in your blog posts

5. Overlooking Search Engine Optimization

Most marketers assume that SEO only benefits written content, so they fail to integrate it into their video marketing strategy. However, if you want your videos to rank, you must optimize them for search engines. The following are effective strategies to improve search engine optimization for your video content.

  • Research target keywords
  • Add keywords to your video title
  • Write engaging meta descriptions that include your target keywords to rank on search engines like Google and YouTube


With more customers preferring videos over other forms of content, implementing effective video marketing is becoming more critical. Familiarize yourself with the above video marketing challenges and overcome them to boost engagement, create a lasting impression, and meet consumer demands.

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