7 Reasons Your Email Marketing Campaign Will Fail

Posted by David Watson . on December 17, 2020

Email marketing

You invested in an email campaign, but no one is interested. Why are they not engaged with the newsletter? Why are they scrolling by or unsubscribing? It is estimated that an ideal email user will receive 40 business emails a day. Despite being decade old, email marketing campaigns are still generating incredible ROI. For $1 invested in an email marketing strategy, a company can see a return of $37. Below are seven fatal mistakes to avoid to successfully execute an email marketing campaign.

Using unreadable or too many fonts

One common design error is choosing unreadable or too many fonts for your email copy. It sounds basic, right? However, it is often overlooked. Choosing the wrong font or too many clashing fonts make your emails completely unreadable. Chances are your subscribers will not be opening and reading any more of your content. This means losing customers and money. Choose simple, clean fonts that can be easily read within the email. Try to stick to only one or two different fonts maximum.

Email Designs that do not match your brand

Another problem is designing an email that does not match your branding. It is so important that the emails you send to your subscribers be clearly recognizable as belonging to your company, or else your subscribers will not connect with your brand or content. Make sure that your logo is always visible at the top of your email and the design elements resemble your brand’s unique style.  Your emails need to coordinate with your company website. Also, be sure that the content you are providing reflects your brand’s mission and core values.

Email marketing Mistakes

Not sending out a welcome email

Most companies overlook this simple, way of capturing their subscriber’s attention. The average open rate for a welcome email is 50%.  This makes them 86% more effective than a standard newsletter Welcome emails are only brief introductions to your brand, but your readers will look forward to reading your next email.

Content that is too long or irrelevant

When designing your email marketing campaigns, each correspondence needs to be informative but not too long or off-topic:

“Your email content needs to be highly relevant. Everything within the email should tie into your company, including the topic of each newsletter you are sending out. Consistently failing at providing high-quality content will cost you subscribers and money.” advises Betty Armstrong, teaching blogger at Uktopwriters and Ukwritings. If it is not within the scope of your business, then do not include it within your email campaigns.

You Forgot to include the Call to Action

The CTA is a crucial part of your email campaign and forgetting can cost you money. The Call to Action encourages your subscribers to engage with your content. This should be included with every email. Equally important as including a CTA is making sure it stands out and does not get lost with the other design elements. You can do this by making it a contrasting colour to the rest of the elements used or by leaving ample whitespace, so it stands out.

Your email campaign is not mobile friendly

Almost half of all emails are opened on mobile devices, so if you are not creating your correspondence in a mobile-friendly way, you will lose subscribers. Using the right template which will open on multiple screens and avoiding too many images, which hurt load time on these devices are some crucial components to bear in mind while designing your layout.

You are not proofreading your email copy

“It is an instant turn off for readers when your email contains numerous spelling and grammatical mistakes.  It looks extremely unprofessional. It shows a lack of care and depersonalises the feel of the email, disenfranchising subscribers. Always utilise a spellchecker and consider checking your grammar in a program like Grammarly” advises Nicholas Russell, a marketing blogger at Revieweal and Ukservicesreviews.

The above mistakes are all too common within email marketing strategies. You will lose subscribers and hurt your ROI. Spending a little time looking for and correcting these mistakes will help you to engage more consistently with your readers. Avoiding the above will ensure a more successful marketing campaign.

Kristin Herman writes and edits at  Liahelp and  Big Assignments . She is also a contributing writer for Top Canadian Writers . As a marketing writer, she blogs about the latest trends in online advertising and social media influencing.

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