9 Reasons Why People Seek Anonymity on the Internet

Posted by David Watson . on May 27, 2020

Should people seek anonymity over the web? Is it right for people to set up an anonymous blog? Should online anonymity be made easier for people? Or should it be prohibited to use online anonymity? Among the debate discussions, these questions hold a high value. In different studies, certain reasons are revealed on why anonymous blog matters! Why do hiding confidential identity matters? Or what is the need to hide identity online? Is it linked with any benefits, or what is the intention of people seeking anonymity? If you want to learn all the answers, then continue reading ahead. Some reasons why people seek online anonymity are discussed ahead.

Avoid judgment thoughts or negative reactions

When coming online for posting any article or blog, people are concerned with what others will speak about it! Often a major question before posting any blog, discussion, or thought is- what if some criticize the idea? Or what if people give negative reviews over it? Such questions are often in concern for people when posting anything online. To avoid such a situation, people rely upon any anonymous blog post. Anonymity helps in avoiding the negative audience reaction or judgemental reviews.  Within seconds, people come and review with negative thoughts upon your post. Though, people don’t have a fear of negative reactions when using anonymous usernames.

Manage government restrictions

All over the globe, the government is keeping track of the activities of citizens online. In many countries, the government maintains a record of all your activities online such as sites visited by you, messages send or received by you, and so on. All this information is available with the ISPs (Internet Service Providers). If you want to browse any websites which come under the government policy violated sites, then you can do it using an anonymous identity. With internet anonymity, people feel the freedom of using the internet, ensuring complete privacy.

Talk about truth

With online anonymity, you can easily talk upon true things. Often, people are worried about identity threats when posting any sensitive information, which sets to be true in reality also. Using the anonymity mask, people get the freedom to talk with the world about truth and facts. Or speaking up against any wrongdoing or powerful people with wrong works becomes a tough deal with your identity. Though, you’re free from all the threats of catching your identity when you seek anonymity. In society, one needs to follow certain rules and abide by religious norms to be accepted. With the online anonymity, you don’t need to think about society and talk about truth without fear.

Privacy purposes

No doubt, internet anonymity ensures privacy from other people over the web. Using the anonymous identity, you can post your views upon a certain subject without thinking about any harm to your identity. People often seek online anonymity in cases of sensitive topic discussions or preventing hackers from attacking your privacy. If you post a sensitive content online by disclosing your identity, there are chances that your life gets in danger or you get threat calls. Or it can also invite a threat to your personal life. So, people use an anonymous identity to avoid such things.

Protect real life

One of the main reasons why people go for anonymous profiles over the web is to protect relationships in real life. Often, when you come online with any content, different people have diversified views upon it. Everyone starts judging you based on your personal life and links with it. So, anonymity gives you the freedom to post your views without worrying about your personal life.

Stream media by saving money

Among different countries, there’s discrimination on the pricing of certain media services. In some countries, streaming services for sports are much cheaper than in other places. Wearing the online anonymity mask, you get to use the best subscription prices available at your real location.

Protection while using Public Wi-Fi

Speaking frankly, one uses public wi-fi most of the time, such as when visiting a hotel, cafe, restaurant, airport, or any other place. It sounds convenient to use public wi-fi. Though, what about security? Is it 100% secure to use public wi-fi all the time? Often, some people can intervene in your communication while using public wi-fi to steal your accounts, passwords, or other sensitive information. To avoid such situations, people often seek online anonymity. It helps to secure all your activities when using any public wi-fi.

Book your flights at less cost

This is a secret thing that all the airline services keep a different charge upon customers depending upon the user’s IP address. When you seek anonymity to book your flights, it can help you to save a lot of money.

Fear of online predators

Often, people are concerned about hackers, cybercriminals, or stalkers when using the real identity. If you’ve indulged in any purchase or sales deal, then you might be worried about your personal information. Though, you can enjoy the freedom of making online purchases or sales with the usage of anonymous identity.


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