A Jingle to Remember: 6 Expert Tips for Writing a Catchy Slogan

Posted by David Watson . on September 17, 2020

Catchy Slogan

A tagline in business equates to the way a person greets you each time they see you. This line identifies the company in a simple, and hopefully memorable way.

For your business, you want a slogan that catches someone’s attention and keeps your brand on their mind.

Read on to learn 8 tips for creating an awesome business catchphrase.

1. Keep It Short

The less you say, the greater the likelihood that people will remember it. You want your company motto stuck in everybody’s head.

A psychology study found that people best store in their short term memory 7 items plus or minus 2. Applying this to words means keeping your catchphrase under 9 for the best results.

2. Create Something Catchy

Wordplay creates sounds that roll off the tongue and stick in the brain. This tactic will help you create an impactful phrase with few words.

Listen to the way different sentence structures sound out loud and pick one that flows. You might rhyme or use other writing tactics like alliteration, onomatopoeia, or portmanteaus.

3. Spark an Emotional Response

Emotional responses leave an impression on people. Using the slogan to trigger an emotion will make them more likely to remember.

Note that this can work for you or against you. If you inappropriately spark anger or fear, then people will tie those emotions to your brand.

Think about the way you want your product or service to make people feel. Will it comfort them, create joy in their life, or boost their confidence?

Or maybe it will help them feel beautiful or protected. Make sure the words create an emotional response that matches the feeling you want to elicit.

4. Highlight Your Uniqueness

What makes your brand stand out? A good motto will highlight this.

Remember, your slogan will find its way into every form of marketing you put out there, from radio to print. Make sure it markets exactly who you are and what you offer.

5. Speak to Your Target Market

You can speak the prettiest words to the wrong person and they will get you nowhere. Consider your audience when you create the slogan for your brand.

Before creating it, do your research. Learn what your target market wants from your product or service and then emphasize that in your catchphrase.

6. Pay Attention to Infographics

Your business slogan does not only need to sound good. It should also catch the eye when printed out on the website, flyers, ads, business cards, and packaging.

You want the print to match your brand in both color and style. It should stand out, but not appear so wild that people find it difficult to read. Use Adobe Spark’s infographics to make a polished and professional tagline yourself.

Make Your Slogan Matter

Creating the perfect slogan may take a lot of time and brainstorming. Do not rush this process.

It will stick with your brand for the long haul. Consumers use this line to identify your brand and changing it, later on, can present challenges.

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