Are Web Based Software Products Reliable

Posted by Eyden Haze . on August 17, 2016

Reliability, availability and serviceability are software terms defined by IBM and they were the first to implement it. The term reliability is defined as the ability of a software component to consistently perform according to its specifications. In layman language a reliable product is the one which is totally free of technical errors.

As the time is changing businesses are trusting more on web-based product rather than traditional products. Companies are trying to provide more mobility to the employees, by purchasing applications which are accessible on smart-phones or web. For example if you a lead of a team in an information technology driven company where they allow you to work remotely when you aren’t able to come to the office for some reasons. You can access the software from your place and manage the team virtually, the web-based software are best way communicate. But are these web-based software reliable?


Your data is being uploaded every second and security is the first thing which comes to your mind. Are these web-based products reliable? Can they hold your data in a secure manner?

The answer is “It depends”.

Have you ever wondered why the Apple’s iCloud was hacked. The breach was a result of vulnerabilities in Apple’s password security system, which enables the hackers to guess the passwords and security questions of selected users. The cloud itself was never breached.

So… It depends how you are coding, you need to get the code written from the best coders, hire the best programming and testing teams. If you are getting your product developed from India choose few best design and programming companies. Companies where design and engineering are given a great emphasis.

The frontline of defense for any cloud system needs to be encrypted so that the data the data is secure. Complex algorithms are required to utilize the encryption methods. Although, encrypted that is 100 percent secure but at times due to the loopholes left by the developers things can go wrong.

In all the words, web based software are more reliable when used in tandem with another storage system such as Google drive. Before selecting a cloud-based storage select your vendor carefully. Some of the data best storage platforms are spideroak- all your files are encrypted and just 10 dollars for each additional 100gb you need. Another which is reliable source is Wuala- it handles the encryption and decryption with the password you set.


So, web-based software are only secured if they have storages on cloud otherwise a local storage can cause a problem.

Whereas the traditional software are concerned they are of no use in today’s techno-world. They lacked the communication and collaborating problem which didn’t allow the users to share things with the other. Traditional software were programmed for the use of an individual and then might collaborate by using hard disks to transfer the data.

Web-based software are easy to install and can be collaborated with well. One can collaborate with the other team members really fast. Few of the really good examples are invision app, Goto meeting etc. There are few web-based software which are secure and can be relied upon.

So although safety remains the concern if you choose a good team to program your software and follow the guidelines and practices put forth by the experts there are less chances that your web based software will get hacked. They are definitely more secure than the obsolete desktop technology!

Author Bio: Martin Streve is a Web based developer for Quovantis Technologies, where you can outsource Web based product development services.

  1. Kai Macdonald

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