Demystifying Cloud Storage: Key Characteristics Of An Online Backup System

Posted by David Watson . on June 29, 2013

It is generally accepted that cloud storage went mainstream for business in 2010, and since then it has been rolled out as the most suitable and future forward way to backup for any one – from large enterprises to individual users – with a data management requirement. Despite the ever more pervasive presence of cloud storage, it still remains that a lot of people feel rather mystified by what online backup providers actually do. In fact, cloud storage is a pretty simple concept, and is basically another way of saying ‘using the internet to store data’. But like all data management systems, there are some key characteristics of an online backup system. This article talks you through some of the most important ones.

At Your Service

The basic characteristic of an online backup system is that it is a service. A client or user should not manage issues such as storage or recovery of data. The service provider has an obligation of receiving data from the client, storing it and recovering it when the client needs it. This service’s interface enables the client to access his or her data at any time. This backup system functions similar to cloud computing.

Shrink Or Stretch To Fit

Another characteristic is elasticity and scalability. This service provides limitless storage space for clients. However, some products have limited storage space but even that is reasonably large in terms of storage space requirements for most account holders. On the other hand, shrinking to fit is as important as stretching and the same service provider should de- allocate space not be used by clients. If a client has deleted backup, the service provider takes back the storage space. In some instances, clients may require less space than before, the provider will redeem the extra space and allocate it elsewhere.

Cash Money

Almost all online backup providers charge for this service. Their charges depend on the amount of space a client requires. Other factors determining charges are the type of data, number of copies a client needs as backup and value of data among other factors. Most providers charge affordable prices for very large spaces of storage. This becomes convenient for both individuals and businesses who want to backup their data.

High Security

Online backup necessarily involves strict security measures. It is impossible to breach this security, which makes data safe. It is not also possible for one client to access another person’s data. If a service provider does not satisfy a client, the latter can transfer data to another service provider without compromising its security. It is also possible to share data through this service and it only happens with permission from the concerned client.

A key feature of the security measures used in cloud storage is encryption. Before uploading the data online, it must pass through a process of encryption to make it more confidential. Even if unauthorized parties accessed a client’s account, they would not in fact access the data, only a scrambled version of it that would require unlocking by a secret password.

Anywhere, Any Place, Any Time

A good number of online backup services allow the clients to restore files with their data, without the help from the service provider. Since this is an online service, clients can access data from any location, so long as they have internet connection and on any device – from your iPhone to your PC.

Keep these characteristics in mind and you’ll be sure to find choosing an online backup service a piece of cake.

About Author: Online writer, blogger and all round techno geek Kate Parker has written many articles on cloud computing and online backups. She has written this one on behalf of Securstore.

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