Engaging Facebook Post: Is There a Perfect Formula?

Posted by David Watson . on March 3, 2021

FB Post

Writing a new post on Facebook is always a challenge. You don’t have a group of reliable beta-testers ready for constructive advice. On the contrary, you have them once the text is posted, and their advice is not always helpful. You are a creative director, head of marketing, corrector, and editor. Big companies hire all those people to promote a page on a social network. Do you have any chances working on your own? You do.

Work for your audience

You’re not a one-hundred-dollar bill to be liked by everyone, no matter how good your writing skills are. Joanne Rowling is one of the best-selling authors in the world, but some people think her books are primitive and poorly written. Your goal is to find your niche and target audience and do your best to make them interested.

Create a unique style

A professional suspense writer may have hardships writing a book for children. If you’re a beginner, stick to your favorite topics and choose an informal style. Write as if it’s an email for your friend and you’re sharing some interesting news. Write as if it’s your diary. Relax and let the words flow. The more you write, the more experienced you get.


Always spend time proofreading your post. It must look professional with no spelling and punctuation mistakes. Don’t forget about grammar. Best text checkers offer assistance in eliminating errors, finding repeated words, avoiding wordiness and complicated phrases. It’s useful to check for plagiarism to see if your content is unique.

Get likes


How often do you come across a song, a book, or a movie only because it’s popular? Or do you tend to spend hours going through all pages of search results? Other people are just like that. Popular posts become even more popular because they are shown to a wider audience. If you buy Facebook likes, you will get more views from real people who may become your followers.

Communicate with the readers

As per wpdevshed.com likes and views are not all that show the reach of your posts.. Pay attention to how people interact with what you write. Do they share it with others? Do they comment? Do you answer their comments? The more engagement you get, the more popular you become. Your communication skills may help you build your brand and become recognizable.

Don’t post too frequently or too seldom

You don’t want to annoy your fans or make them forget you. The most popular Facebook pages have their posting strategy. However, it should be not less than 3 times per week and no more than once per day. Most studies agree that a post gets the highest engagement rates if it’s posted between 1 and 3 pm during the week and Saturdays.

Write short

Social media experts suggest that an ideal Facebook post should be no more than 100 characters. The preferable amount is 40-80 characters. The amount of time your followers have available to give you is limited. The short and catchy text will grab their attention and make them read it till the end. There’s an option for those who like to write long — give a link to a full text posted on another resource (for example, your website).

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