How APIs are Transforming SMEs

Posted by David Watson . on April 10, 2020

An API, or application programming interface, is a tool that acts as the messenger between a user’s device and an online system. It takes a user’s request, tells the system what it is that you want to accomplish and then successfully returns your request back to you. In other words, an API is a tool that allows for seamless automation.APIs are transforming the ways in which big business conduct themselves, but for many small to mid-size enterprise or SME, they have been somewhat confronted with the idea that APIs are beyond their reach. However, for those SMEs who have adopted and integrated this technology, APIs are transforming the ways in which business is being conducted.

APIs work to level the playing field of business, allowing SMEs to compete with big business through digital tools. This increases the competition between businesses of all sizes. In a digital world, the size of a business is irrelevant. Instead, businesses that offer a seamless, positive and straightforward online experience that suits their customers needs will be successful. Read on to find out how APIs can transform your SME.

The Middle-Man

One of the most important ways in which APIs allow SMEs to compete with large business is through its cost effective nature. APIs allow complex systems to run through a system without the need to develop large amounts of coding and technological structure to support such coding. APIs work through a “middle-man” system. The user creates a call to an API, which then tells the specific application to search the web for the needs of the user. This process cuts out the need for complex coding systems and allows for the smooth, safe and stable running of applications and web pages.


Another way in which APIs have the power to transform SMEs is though data. Nothing is more time consuming than the collection and analysis of data, which is why APIs have the ability to automate this service for you, saving time, money and your sanity! API services will often allow businesses to extract information and reports that are automated and in real time. While the need for manual data reporting will continue, APIs allow you to set up a report that will continue to generate ongoing data that can then be used to conduct manual analysis every so often.


APIs allow an SME to integrate content that can be fully customised. This content can be easilyembedded from any given site or application, allowing the for the fluid delivery of information through the SMEs site and to the intended audience.APIs also allow content to be shared automatically either openly across the web, or via password restrictions for specific audiences such as paid learning or staff meetings.


APIs allow SMEs to simplify their daily operations through the minimisation of technical issues by utilising the power of connectivity. In a world where businesses utilise hundreds of applications to help the flow of their business, from banking, to advertising to communications, APIs allow each of these platforms to come together under one “roof”. This simplistic methodology inevitably leads to the improvement of collaboration, time efficiency, workflow and productivity, thus boosting profits.

So if you are an SME looking to transform your business, Ziggeo API’s the perfect place to begin your journey into the future of business.

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