How Business Infographics Can Help with Raising Brand Awareness

Posted by David Watson . on March 18, 2020


Brand awareness has become a pursuit for a lot of businesses because they want to create a sustainable venture. Relying on sales is fine, but when you are up against the competition, customers pay attention to other areas. One of those areas is recognition. In other words, if they do not recognize the brand, you stand to lose out to others.

Oberlo has published an article, titled Brand Awareness: 6 Tips for Creating a Powerful Brand Strategy. It covers a lot of ground and is a great reference for building a solid brand awareness campaign. But a single article might not be enough for those who want to take things even further.

Search Engine Journal reports that we process images 60 000 times faster than text. Therefore, it makes sense to see so many brands emphasizing visual content. And infographics are one of the best pieces of visual content.

Infographics present data via charts and flow that rely on interesting shapes and graphics. The information you want to show is delivered in appealing and easily-digestible pieces.

Having the ability to capture the reader’s attention naturally is a big advantage of infographics. And that is why they can do wonders in raising brand awareness.

Reason #1 – Infographics Are Shareable

According to Jeff Bullas, people share infographics 3 times more often than other types of content. Of course, it does not mean that any infographic will get traction and has the potential to go viral on social media or other channels.

You will need to ensure quality. But a good infographic will receive organic shares and spread a positive word about your brand, making all the work that you put in making the infographic worth it.

Reason #2 – Infographics Are SEO-Friendly

SEO-friendliness is related to a bigger number of shares as well. The more people click, like, and share the content, the more Google and other search engines will like it. That leads to getting indexed higher due to Google’s page rank algorithm.

And any achievement in SEO is another step towards more brand awareness because just being higher in the rankings gives more exposure and indicates that you are an authority in the industry.

Reason #3 – Infographics Stay in Mind Longer

John Medina talks about how visuals stay inside the human brain longer. According to him, we retain about 10 percent of the stuff we hear or read after three days. But if there is a visual that accompanies content, the number grows to 65 percent.

Infographics help with information retention thanks to its visuals. And the longer someone thinks about your content, the more you stand to gain. For example, a person is more likely to write or talk about your brand if they remember it more vividly.

Reason #4 – Infographics Are Easy to Understand

Easy to understand

Infographics are excellent to get complex points across easier. Readers do not have to deal with a wall of text that can be boring. Instead, they can quickly scan the information and learn about the most important aspects. And the easier it is to absorb the content, the more people will be willing to give it a read.

Reason #5 – Infographics Are Easily Changeable and Embeddable

Looking from a technical point of view, infographics are great thanks to their portable and embeddable design.

When you indicate an embed code with the infographic, other brands can easily share it by embedding the infographic directly into their site. And the infographic automatically links back to the original website, giving you more traffic.

Reason #6 – Infographics Prove That You Are an Expert

When information is delivered via infographics, readers will think of you as an expert and give your brand more credit.

Not everyone is capable of creating a compelling infographic that provides valuable content and looks appealing at the same time. It takes time and experience. Giving the readers another reason to appreciate what you provide will further strengthen your standing with them.

Reason #7 – Infographics Allow You to Connect with the Audience

Infographics are published not to increase sales directly. The main purpose is education. A type of content that is not bombarding readers with a call to action to spend money will go a long way toward establishing a better relationship between you and the customers. And individuals will lean towards buying from brands that they feel a connection with later on.

Reason #8 – Infographics Are Easy to Track and Analyze

Keeping track of how well infographics are doing is necessary to make adjustments in the future and improve the campaign. Monitor how many shares and backlinks you receive from an infographic.

If the numbers are good, it means you are doing things right. On the other hand, not enough engagement means that you still need to improve areas and work harder with raising brand awareness. It is easy to track and analyze the numbers when it comes to infographics. That is another advantage that gets overlooked.

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