How Expert Software Developers Can Influence Business Success

Posted by David Watson . on October 30, 2020

Software Developers

There was once a time when the software development company and the world wide web were secondary concerns, almost novelties to small and medium businesses. While that is certainly no longer the case, not everyone has caught up to this fact. There is an unpopular saying in the world of business, particularly amongst analysts: ‘If your business fails, you did something wrong.’

Many might argue that there are circumstantial factors that play a role, that is debatable. The point is that a vast majority of business owners, CEOs and managers still underestimate the importance of the technology underlying modern commerce. It may be due to a lack of familiarity with the actual workings and complexities of the field, but that is no longer a viable excuse. The modern software developer is not the Cheeto crunching hermit of the memes of yesteryear. Advanced software developers are keyed into business practices and thinking by the inherent nature of the software industry and its focus on commerce as a whole.

By bringing a software developer into your business not only in a practical capacity but in an advisory role, you are covering yourself against failure by digital irrelevance. So what are some of these fantastic benefits that you stand to gain by either employing a full time professional or sourcing the services of a software development company? Although there are innumerable, we have put together a list of the essential key benefits.


The more advanced automation, online commerce and digital service delivery become, the lower the overheads for companies that stay on the cutting edge. Lower overheads translate to lower unit costs which mean lower pricing, thereby attracting more market share. The only motivator not to consider implementing the software expertise to remain competitive is if you deliberately want to avoid rapid market expansion.

This admittedly may be the case if you run a small and personal bistro. If you have dreams of going big, by any measure, you need to have your finger on the digital pulse and have expert advice on the most critical developments to invest in for your specific needs.

Expedience By Customization

There was a time when you had one or two viable options for the software you use to run your business. You had to use them as they were and find laborious workarounds for any services they didn’t offer. Today you can have your software customized.

While building software from the ground up is an option, it is an impractical one. An expert software developer can customize and reprogram existing software to suit your needs. By having a direct line, or better yet an internal professional who can do this for you, you can make changes as needed, these being the sort of changes that usually require immediate attention.

Trend Prediction And Adaptation

While your marketing manager is undoubtedly capable of predicting social media trends, it is a little unfair to expect them to predict a critical change in Google’s search algorithms or a detrimental HTML error only affecting a small subset of web browsers. This is the analytic and advisory role a software developer can play in your company.

Moreover, the same specialist can then implement the changes directly, cutting out miscommunication and the compounding of related problems. In this regard, it is pretty much self-evident why an expert is critical.

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