How to Create a Cyber-Workspace With AI?

Posted by David Watson . on December 27, 2021

Cybercriminals are known to attack workspaces. Workspaces contain sensitive information. Whether you are working from home, or in an office, cyber security should be implemented into your workspaces which ensures a cyber-workspace. Artificial intelligence can also be used to create cyber workspaces by detection of threats, battling bots, and endpoint protection. Etc. This blog post discusses how to create a cyber-workspace with Artificial intelligence.

What is a Cyber Workspace?

Cyber workspace provides security applications that allow a customer to achieve improved reliability and utilize the latest cyber security tools and techniques. It involves keeping the workspace secure by applying cyber security techniques. Cyber security workspace gives employees control to see patch levels. It ensures the frequency of backups and reduces cyber risks. The cyber workspace also helps to promote cyber security awareness and reduce the cyber-security talent gap.

How to Create a Cyber-Workspace With AI?

AI can be used to create a cyber-workspace that is safe and secure. Some of the ways AI can be used to create a cyber-workspace are discussed below.

1. AI for creating Cyber Workspaces that are not breached by Cyber-attacks

AI can be used to identify and spot malicious activity and cyber threats. Traditional methods cannot keep up with the new malware released in the workspace. AI can help with malware detection and prevention. AI can be used to create cyber workspaces that are not breached by cyber-attacks.

AI can run pattern recognition to detect malware or ransomware before it infiltrates the workspace. AI can help with predictive intelligence by using NLP to scrape through articles and news on cyber threats. This can help with anomaly detection and prevention strategies. AI also uses machine learning algorithms like neural networks to learn patterns from data, so that it can detect and neutralize any cyber threat. Machine learning model management has to be performed to produce an efficient AI. AI can also take vital prioritization decisions based not only on what could be used to attack the systems but what could infiltrate the workspace.

2. AI can be used to Create a Cyber-workspace that is free from Bots

Bots are software programs that perform automated, repetitive tasks. Internet bots are commonly known as crawlers, spiders, and web bots. There are millions of bots on the internet today. These bots can infiltrate the workspace and they are dangerous. Bots can result in stolen credentials and data fraud. AI can be used to create a cyber-workspace that is free from bots. AI can facilitate the understanding of website traffic and distinguish good bots from bad bots and humans.

An example of a cyber workspace attack carried out by bots is Distributed denial of service (DDOS). Which occurs when multiple requests are sent to a server to overwhelm it and interrupt services. These attacks are usually carried out by hackers who use thousands of bots to send a request to such a server. Artificial intelligence uses machine learning algorithms that help to study bot-related data. And then can predict if a bot is good or bad.

3. AI for Breach Risk Prediction in Cyber-Workspaces

AI systems can help prevent breaches in a workspace, thereby creating a cyber-workspace. AI can be used to determine accurate IT asset inventory which allows users and applications at different levels access to systems. AI-based systems can help predict where and how likely a workspace can be compromised, so it can plan and allocate resources towards vulnerabilities. Prescriptive insights and AI-based analysis allow you to configure, improve control and reinforce cyber resilience. AI can help workers understand the cyber risk they face daily and provide a prescriptive solution. It predicts risks and also provides explanations to better understand the issue.

AI can help predict when a breach is likely to occur and how it will impact the workspace. To do this, it has to understand the data that a company has before it can make these predictions. A random forest or decision tree model can then be developed from this data.

 4. AI for better endpoint protection in cyber workspaces

The number of devices used in workspaces is increasing rapidly. AI can be used to secure these endpoints. Antivirus, VPNs, firewalls can also be used to secure these endpoints. AI can be used to understand behavior for endpoints during training. If an abnormal event occurs at the endpoint, AI can flag it and take action.

Endpoint security devices now use AI to examine processes, analyze user behavior and counter potential attacks. This endpoint protection software can deliver protections that traditional endpoints cannot. Some of these protections are processing data through AI and ML to identify malicious files, stopping unauthorized data movements, monitor networks, and mitigating advanced threats.

5. AI can help recommend strong and unique password needed to create a cyber-workspace

Strong and unique passwords are very important to create a cyber-workspace. Some of the users use weak passwords which can easily be guessed by hackers. AI systems can help recommend strong passwords with special symbols and characters. AI also provides continuous authentication as a solution to weak passwords. It compares a user’s behavior during a session with his or her past behaviors. By observing biometric behaviors like typing speed and movement of the mouse. AI can flag unusual behaviors that indicate a bad actor has taken over.

6. AI can help Create a Cyber-Workspace by Authenticity Protection

AI can help create a cyber-workspace by adding an enhanced security layer. When a user wants to connect with their account. AI can provide authentication by face recognition which is done via computer vision, Captchas, fingerprint recognition, etc. These authentication mechanisms can be used to determine if a login is legitimate.

For example; a lock system in a workspace can use a face detection mechanism, such that it takes snapshots of your face and learns from it. So it can recognize your face and let you in the next time. AI can also provide fingerprint recognition by studying patterns from existing data to provide an accurate recognition. Support vector machines can be used to train AI fingerprint models.


Adversaries continually employ sophisticated algorithms, rules, and methods to infiltrate the workspace. Traditional measures are no longer enough to handle them. AI can be used to create a cyber-workspace that identifies where intrusion happens, prevents malware and other cyber-attacks. AI cyber security initiatives have the potential to rapidly scan through large volumes of data, accelerate analysis and discover previous and new threats.

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