Identifying Your Most Valuable Content With The Help of Artificial Intelligence

Posted by David Watson . on December 1, 2020

AI in Content marketing

You probably go through page after page of stats trying to make heads or tails out of them. What you’re trying to do is, come up with the content that performs best on your site. The problem that you’re having is, you have to go through so much data that it bogs you down. More importantly, your precious time is wasted, trying to develop a formula that produces results and doesn’t work.

Success happens as a result of understanding your audience

As a content marketer, you need to know who your audience is. Beyond that, you need to know what strikes their interest. If you’re producing content, no one wants to read, nothing good will come from it. Money is made when you connect a person with the content that they want to consume. Content is a lot like food; if you own a restaurant that produces stuff, no one wants to eat, and no one will buy it. Content marketing is similar in the sense that you’re not going to make sales or get clicks on your ads if the content on your pages doesn’t strike a chord with people.

Going through your analytics isn’t the answer

Maybe it would be the answer if your mind was like that of a computer. You have a million things on your mind, and you can’t process everything. A person who looks at this information doesn’t get the big picture because they cannot compute all of the data. Your mind can only compute a certain amount of information, and everything else is thrown aside and forgotten about. Do you remember what you ate three weeks ago for supper on Thursday? Probably not, and the information that you read in your analytics is somewhat similar. You only process a small amount of the information and what sticks out to you is rarely the most important.

Using artificial intelligence is the key to success

AI enables you to use a computer’s computing power much in the same way you would your brain. Artificial intelligence thinks and can go through all of your analytics to develop a content producing strategy that works. You need to be able to move forward with a strategy that enables you to meet your readers’ demands. Using a Content Intelligence Platform will make that happen. You take the guesswork out of trying to figure out what people want to read. You put articles in front of them they want, and the result is that your site takes off like a rocket.

AI Content Marketing

The sweet spot in content marketing is giving people what they want

The connection people make with content they want or need is unmistakable. They find the content and immediately see your site in a different light. No longer do they see it as merely a bunch of words on a page, but they see it as being helpful to them. If you want people to keep coming back to your site or clicking on it repeatedly in the search results, the only way to achieve this is by putting in front of them content that they find useful.

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