Must Have Starter’s Kit For Successful YouTube Video Recording

Posted by David Watson . on May 30, 2020

Investing in the YouTube platform is the trending business for many companies and people today. Streaming a high-quality video requires professionalism and the best equipment. YouTube helps in expressing creativity and fun. The best part being the extra cash and promotions for your business or channel.  However, there is always a first time for everyone. Where you are prone to mistakes and disappointments, it’s either poor content, video, the audio wasn’t clear or the camera didn’t roll. Preparation also plays a significant role in YouTube video recording. Nonetheless, every setback enlightens and helps Improve in terms of equipment and presentation. To become the best YouTuber and to make your YouTube channel popular, your video will require views on it in order to rank in YouTube’s aglorithm.

What are the best starter kits for YouTube videos?

YouTube is a simple platform to express creativity. You can use your smartphone to make videos and stream it live anytime. However, to make it more appealing, it’s best to incorporate high, quality definitions equipment.  You need the kits that make your video stand from the rest and draws more attention.

  • A camera
  • Microphone
  • Tripod or stabilizer.
  • Proper lighting
  • Have a quality video editing software?
  • SD card
  • Extra lenses.

You could also hire out a recording studio for the week for high-end projects.

1. Camera

A camera was the obvious answer to video recording, a phone camera or any other can do a perfect job. However, quality says a lot about what the results will be. It’s not a matter of expensive but the specification of the type of camera. These determine the YouTube content or video you’re making. There are different varieties such as mirror-less cameras which do well for vloggers. There also action and webcams which are highly popular among YouTubers.

2. External microphone

Nothing is more disappointing than having the best video but poor audio. YouTube subscribers or viewers look for different qualities in a video, audio being on the top list. They will only comeback or like your channel, if the sound is clear, making it fun to play.  The phone or laptop recording has the inbuilt microphone, however the quality is low and needs to be enhanced with external microphone.  There are different microphones, such as:

  • USB microphone they are easy to use and offers quality audio for your video.
  • Condenser microphone it’s designed to self-monitor using a headphone jack. It can control the volume by either reducing or amplifying for better audio results.
  • Shotgun microphone it’s used for video recording and is attached with a small camera. The shotgun microphone reduces all background noise leaving only what is required for the video shooting.

 3. Stabilizer/Tripod


Video professionalism requires stable recording. Some YouTube videos have terrible and shaky recordings. Especially if taken from a smartphone where someone had to record, and they can’t keep still.  Using a stabilizer keeps a focused video and picture scene. It holds the weight of the camera and remains still unless moved. Beginners need to get the right stands, which are equivalent to the weight of the camera.

4. Proper Lighting

Videos require proper background lighting for clear shooting. Most of the YouTubers make their videos indoors with low light. You can also have adequate lighting, but excess for the video, you require a light modifier to help direct the right amount of light.

  • Softboxes
  • Umbrella light
  • Ring light

These are some of the light sources to work within video shooting.

5. Editing Software

Video Editing Software

The best part about YouTube it has an inbuilt editing software. However, making better videos requires extra hardware to do the editing. You can modify and create anything without the platform’s limitations. If you are a music lover and enjoy listening music on YouTube, the right converter can help you to listen the audio part of your desired videos offline. Some converters can strip out the audio and let you convert YouTube to mp3 format without disturbing the original audio quality.

These are few starter kits for beginners in the YouTube dais. It becomes more straightforward and better with the equipment’s thus gaining more subscribers and viewers.

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