Sudoku: The Best Number Puzzle Game

Posted by David Watson . on December 7, 2022

There are plenty of number puzzle games available, but the most popular one is Sudoku. Sudoku is a classic number game that has been available for decades. It is popular among players of all ages. One of the things that have contributed to the popularity of Sudoku is that it is fun and addictive to play, and it also suits players of all ages. This game can also tease your mind and leave you feeling refreshed.

But what exactly is Sudoku? How is it played? And are there any benefits of playing this number game? Let’s find out as we discuss more about Sudoku.

What is Sudoku?

Sudoku is basically a number puzzle game played on a 9×9 grid, with numbers 1-9. The player needs to arrange numbers both vertically and horizontally. All the numbers shouldn’t appear more than once on the columns, rows, or grids. That wouldn’t make a perfect sudoku puzzle.

Sudoku was first invented in 1979 by an American named Howard Garns, who was a puzzle creator and a retired architect. The game was later published and renamed Sudoku by a Japanese publisher. Sudoku is a Japanese word that means “Single Numbers.”

Sudoku has managed to acquire global popularity over the years. In the past, Sudoku was played in newspapers and magazines. But this is no longer the case. Thanks to the technological development in the gaming industry, Sudoku is now available on the internet, and it can be played online or offline. You simply download it on Google Play Store or App Store, depending on your device, and then play it anywhere, anytime.

Sudoku comes in various difficulty levels to choose from. There are easy levels and extremely hard levels. If you are getting started or looking for a Sudoku that won’t leave you scratching your head, you should opt for easy-to-solve Sudoku. On the other hand, if you are a Sudoku guru who has been solving Sudoku for years and understands it well, extremely hard to solve Sudoku, such as Evil Sudoku, suits you well.

The best thing about solving complex Sudoku puzzles is that they tend to tease your thinking skill and make you think out of the box about how you can successfully solve the puzzle. Besides, there are strategies that can help you solve these complex Sudoku puzzles in case you get stuck. That’s because it is very common to get stuck when playing complex Sudoku.

Why you should play sudoku puzzles more often

Sudoku puzzle game is a number game worth your time. This game requires your utmost concentration to solve it. You shouldn’t get distracted by anything when solving Sudoku. In the process, you will be able to develop concentration skills and problem-solving skills, skills that can help you prosper in your personal and professional life.

Sudoku is also good at relieving stress and anxiety. Since it requires you to concentrate on the game, you will be able to temporarily forget what’s stressing you and focus on the task at hand, which is to solve the puzzle successfully.

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