Tech Tips: 3 Ways to Receive Money Back

Posted by David Watson . on February 9, 2021

Money back

When we are looking to replace our mobile phone, or clear space in our homes, we should bear in mind that there are companies online that allow us to do both and earn some cash back. In addition, when shopping for new items, there are ways of receiving back money in credit or vouchers to make that purchase cheaper. This article will explore what is possible because of companies such as Buyback Boss, who will buy broken and unwanted mobile phones from you, and, in addition, look at other ways that you can recoup money from both selling and buying.

Selling Mobile Phones

Mobile selling

There are companies online, such as the one mentioned above, that will allow you to sell a used or broken mobile phone to them. This is a useful service for these kinds of devices because they are the kinds of items that we tend to replace on a regular basis because of continually advancing technology. There is peer pressure in terms of wanting the latest phone. Particularly in the case of smartphones powered by iOS and Android. Their features, cameras, and speed of use,all continue to improve. Also, our phones get clogged up with data and will then not work as efficiently. It is so easy, too, to break a screen. Our used phone, though, is still useful to companies who have the capabilities and knowledge to refurbish them for someone who cannot afford a new one. In the meantime, you are freeing up cash to use towards the very latest model.Buyback Boss are experts in the field of mobile phone recycling, which is as inviting to someone wondering what to do with their old phone as it is friendly to the environment.

Online Auctions

There are various online auctions that will allow you to sell unwanted items. Often there will be no fee for listing, just one when it sells. Even the payment can be taken care of electronically, for a fee. This does all, of course, need to be factored into the amount that you want for the item. As do the postage costs, which can be cheaper if you use a courier or pay for and print off an onscreen delivery label. Apart from making you money, it is as good for the environment as mobile phone recycling, as another item does not then need to be manufactured to satisfy your buyer, saving on the energy resources used and pollution associated with manufacturing.

In 2018, e-commerce in the US amounted to 9.9 percent and this continues to grow year on year. Online shopping for new items has resulted in everyone looking online for items that they need to purchase. This includes second-hand items. In fact, some people will prefer to buy something which is old and is no longer available as a new item, or sometimes not to the same quality as things used to be made. Handmade items are sought after but expensive to produce from new due to the time involved in making them. Also, old items can cost less and be repurposed for modern tasks. The most unusual presents can be found from sites selling second-hand items. Your item for sale could be just what someone is looking for.

Cashback Sites and Vouchers


When purchasing products through cashback sites, you can receive cashback credit, which can then be used to purchase other goods. Cashback sites are a such a simple idea yet can save you money. Rather than going directly to a shop online, you will access the online retailer via a link through a cashback site. You will still be sent your item directly from the retailer, but at the same time, be given money back from the cashback website. This will normally be a percentage of the total price that you have paid for your item. It is a way of shopping that benefits everyone.

To find out more about cashback rewards, you may find the attached article of interest.

In addition, shopping on some sites will result in you being given money vouchers to encourage you to shop again with that company or a company associated with them. These should always be factored into a purchase, provided they are vouchers which will be useful to you and that you are likely to use within their timescales.

Online is a great place to shop for offers because you can see them in front of you and make direct comparisons from your armchair. The descriptions of the items will be extensive, knowing that you cannot look at the item in person. Photographs will show you all angles and give precise measurements. So, these are things that you will also need to bear in mind when selling our own items online for some money back.

To sum up, it is encouraging to note that you can sell your mobile phone to specific companies for the best price, other items through online auctions to turn them back into cash, and also have money back or receive vouchers from selecting your places to shop wisely.

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