Simple UI/UX Design Principles You Must Follow While Customizing a Website Theme

Posted by David Watson . on December 28, 2020

UX UI Design

Website designing is a curve-ball, a very popular one though. Brands today understand the importance of having a high-quality website for their customers. We have successfully overcome the phase of the internet where brand owners had their own skepticism related to going online. A lot of that credit goes to the COVID-19 pandemic when businesses had no other alternative to selling online.

But, there’s one thing that’s more important than having a website. It’s having a well-designed website. And that’s exactly why we are here on this page. Today, we are going to understand some of the best UX/UI design principles that will help you design a superb theme for your site. So without any further ado, let’s get started!

Best UX/UI Design Principles You Should Follow in 2020

Here are the top UX/UI design principles you must refer to when designing your brand’s website. Let’s discuss them in detail.


Design for Your Customer

While you are always designing your website as an extension to your brand, the major focus should be on designing the site for your customers. Think of your users first. Prioritize how you can make the website design easier to comprehend and use for your potential customers. More importantly, ask yourself why would  someone visit your site. You need to understand who you are targeting with the website. What is it that you are offering to your customers that they would like to land on your site? If you are running an online store, then most probably you will want to have more and more conversions. If you are running an online blog, then you would want your visitors to be better informed and educated once they leave your site. Design your site accordingly.

Focus on Meeting User Intent

User intent is crucial to a successful website design. This is important because you will have to take a deep dive into what your customers want out of your website. Hundred visitors will have 100 different intents of using your site. However, you don’t have to design the site for each user’s intent. You will need to find the average customer intent and design a perfect UX design accordingly. In the process, you will need to consider the people at different stages of their customer journey landing on your site.

Design for Flexibility

Technology is evolving quickly and your website has to catch up. In other words, your website needs to respond to the changing screen sizes of the devices people use to access the internet. Mobile responsiveness is a major design concept that allows your website to adapt automatically according to the layout being used. The idea here is to provide a better overall experience on all devices without compromising with the page load time.

Use Effective Calls to Action

Calls to action are the elements that drive your visitors where you want them to go. Visitors landing on your site don’t really know where exactly they need to head to get the desired information. Placing clear and bold calls to action will not only give them direction but will also compel them to take desired actors like buying a product or subscribing to your newsletter. Most importantly, you will have to focus on where exactly you are putting your calls to action. To be precise, take the help of a heat map analysis.

Practice Consistency

You want the visitors to get familiar with your website. This can only be achieved when you follow a consistent design on all the web pages. Every time they click on your link on a search engine result page, they should know where they have landed. This can only happen when you design the website using readymade UX principles templates optimized for pre-determined user behaviors. Although a few notable exceptions are always ignored, you should stick to a consistent website design.

Go for Simplicity

An over the top design will eventually make your visitors feel overwhelmed. You have to keep in mind that visitors are landing on your site assuming that you have the answers to their problems. It is therefore important that you design your website in a way that makes things simple for the visitors. Go for simplicity and clarity and have an ample amount of white space on each web page.

Design for Speed

You don’t want your visitors to wait for your website to load. Speed is no longer a luxury for you. It is a necessity that will directly affect your site’s ability to make money for you. Speed is the currency that you want to transact in. You will have to make sure whatever the design you have on your site, it allows you to meet the recommended page load speed. Google recommends a page load speed of 3 seconds. Anything higher than that will result in a spike in your bounce rate.

Publish Scannable Content

The content you publish on your website should be designed in a way that makes it easier for visitors to scan every page. The idea here is to allow the visitors to quickly get to their desired information and take necessary action. The only way to make your content scannable is by using headers and subheaders. Moreover, you can couple that textual content with multimedia content like images and videos.

Wrapping Up

There you have it. Now that you have all the important UI/UX design principles, it’s time to put them into action. Since website design and development is a continuous process, you might not hit the bull’s eye in your first attempt. Keep making thoughtful changes within these design principles and track the site’s performance. Semper fi!

How does one create a perfect UI/UX design for their website? Well, it takes time. But, to shorten the process, you can follow these tips on how to become a ux writer today! Read now to get started!


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