8 Useful SEO Tips For Designers

Posted by David Watson . on November 3, 2021

Today, everyone wants to be seen online. However, with saturated markets and great competition, this can often be a hard task to accomplish. Whether you are a web designer or some other business owner, your aim is to have an appealing, functional and user-friendly website. However, sometimes you need a bit more than that. That is why every designer should know a few tips and tricks from the SEO world.

Google Rankings

All designers, while creating their websites, should keep in mind Google rankings. There are specific parameters that need to be met in order to be visible on Google once the website is up. These parameters and elements include HTTP status code, URL compatibility with search engines, meta tags, descriptions, etc. So, while designing you should make sure to follow the SEO elements in order to top the Google rankings.

Choose the Right Domain Name

When building a site for any business, the domain name is an extremely important thing. It is important to have at least one keyword in the domain in order to increase your page rank for that keyword. It is easy to get confused and it can be tiring to find the right domain name, and if you need any help you can always opt for consulting with SEO companies on what your next move will be when building the site. There are even companies that offer SEO problem solving via Skype, so you can find the solutions you need fast and with ease. This way, you can get the best advice on how to choose the domain name, how to implement the keywords and even where to find domains quickly and for the right price.

Think about Other Devices

Today, we don’t just use PCs to access websites, that is why designers have to think about mobile devices when building the perfect site. Most customers tend to search the internet on their phones and your site should be optimized for them in order to attract more traffic. So, make sure the site is readable and mobile-friendly and mobile compatibility should be the number one priority when building the pages.

Fast Page Loading is a Must

We live in a fast-paced world, and if your site takes too long to load, people will exit before reading what you have to offer. That is why loading speed is an important factor that contributes a lot to the user experiences, as well as Google ranking. Make sure there are no overly large images, videos, or films on your site that might slow down the loading time. Also, avoid weak URLs or coding and themes with too many widgets in order to keep that site loading fast.

Focus on Good Visual Experience

If your website is visually pleasing and it is attractive and readable, your customers will come back to you more frequently. What is more, if you invest some time and effort in the visual appearance the site will be explored more, unlike dull and boring ones. In order to achieve that you should learn the art of SEO friendly sites and how to make your pages more attractive. Focus on good designs and viewers will love it which means better ranking on Google.

Stay on Top of Tech

Technology changes every day and designers should make sure to keep up-to-date with the latest trends. This is especially important when it comes to SEO and the overall digital world. One such example is voice search, which people started using more and more to search the internet. You should focus on providing such features to your users and focus on keyphrases more than just on keywords in order for your site to be easily found. What is more, there are plenty of plugins, tools and extensions which can help you optimize and improve your website from the SEO point of view, so make sure to keep up-to-date on all of them.

Make an Effort with the Title Tag

This is probably the most important tag on your website – title tag. Your keywords and keyphrases should be in this tag and it shouldn’t be longer than 60 characters. Title tags are used for describing a web page so having your keywords and phrases in here is highly important for most browsers. However, don’t be lazy with this and put in a brief and relevant description for every page on your site. Use them to explain the purpose of each page since this will help with increasing the number of visitors.

Advice from SEO Expert

We have contacted several SEO agencies during the research, and we love the tip we got from Brisbane Digital. Their director, Milos Dosen, wrote back the following: “If I have to single out one piece of advice for web designers that would be: When working on a website redesign make sure to keep the URLs in the same structure as they are on the original website.” When we’ve researched this issue deeper, it seems that this one rule can save a lot of time and money for the website owners. Basically, if the URL structure on the new website is different from the old website, Google will not rank your new website and your developers will have to implement URL Redirects.

SEO is a big marketing branch that has proven to be the most important one these days. That is why more and more designers are deciding to learn about it or to reach out for help from experts. These are just a few tips that you can use to improve your website, and you can always find more knowledge and experience online and with experts.

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