What Skills Digital Marketers Need To Succeed

Posted by David Watson . on June 17, 2020

Digital marketing is potent, but it is also challenging. To succeed marketers need to be able to identify opportunities, take advantage of diverse media channels, and connect with their target market.

If you want to accomplish all that you will need an equally diverse set of skills, and some of the most important skills that digital marketers need to succeed are:

  • Overall communication skills

Digital marketers need to be good at communicating their message on various channels. That includes not only written communication, but also verbal and visual communication too.

  • Data analysis

One skill that often sets successful marketers apart is the ability to analyze and process data. Digital marketers have access to a wide range of analytics, and they need to be able to use that information to understand their target market and improve their marketing strategy and messages.

  • Video production

Over the last decade video has become increasingly important, to the point that it is now an essential skill for digital marketers. Although video production can technically be outsourced, being able to record videos that have decent production value can make a world of difference.

  • Storytelling

Being able to tell a compelling story that your target market can relate to is definitely an important skill for digital marketers. It is the foundation of content marketing, and can have a huge impact on lead generation and conversion rates.

  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Although digital marketers don’t have to be SEO ‘gurus’, it does help to have a basic understanding of the fundamentals of SEO and how it works. At the end of the day search engines are still the largest source of traffic on the web, and no digital marketer can afford to ignore them.

  • Digital advertising

Nowadays digital advertising can take on many forms and includes platforms such as Google AdWords, Facebook Ads, and so on. Digital marketers need to understand how digital advertising works, and also be able to use some of its powerful tools – such as remarketing.

  •  Social media and community management

It would be unwise to overlook social media and the benefits that it can bring to a digital marketing strategy. Marketers that understand social media can use it as a source of traffic, reach out to their target audience, and build up a community of loyal followers.

Make no mistake the skills listed above are just the tip of the iceberg and there are many others that can benefit digital marketers such as sales, design, and other marketing skills. In particular it may help to have experience with digital marketing tools and platforms, such as the ones reviewed on Naspa Views.

The good news is that all the skills that digital marketers need to succeed can actually be learned. As long as you’re willing to roll up your sleeves and start to delve into the subject, you’ll be able to expand your own skillset and will definitely improve your ability as a digital marketer sooner or later.

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