What Will Define 2018 Design Trends? Space Odyssey Infographics

Posted by David Watson . on December 22, 2017

Paul Cookson once said, “Great web design without functionality is like a sports car with no engine.” So whatever 2018 web design trends are, they can’t contradict this simple truth. However, the big question disturbs each and every designer: what will define design in 2018? What to wait from one of the extraordinary environment in the world – the web, if it is constantly changing and improving becoming smarter, more technological and demanding.

What do We Know about Web Trends?

The term “trends” is always applied to different creative fields, and web design is not exclusion. Trends are the core factors that cause changes in the field. They point out to what people should pay attention in order to keep with the times and go on succeeding in business. If you keep your eyes on the driving factors for change, you are motivated to improve your brand.

As usual web design trends are based on the following driving principles that determine the most important changes in this market niche.

1. User Experience (how people have changed their behavior and preferences in website performance and appearance).

2. Technology (what techniques, methods, and processes can be implemented in website design and navigation).

3. Usability (what to do to make a website more user-friendly and intuitive).

4. Media (what communication tools to use for data delivering).

As a rule, most trends change every 2-3 years, since something new, more innovative replaces the previous ones. However, some trends find a new lease of life being recycled and answering to the newer requirements.

With this infographics based on a detailed research, it will be easier to create a powerful, modern looking and high-demand website for 2018. The visual representation of data supported by this post gives comprehensive information about the trends allowing to perceive all key points quickly and clearly. It’s no secret that “Information is power and those that have access to it are powerful.” It is extremely easier to build a quality and professional business website knowing what customers expect from your platform.

In essence, web design refers to a big portion (taking up to 30 percent) of web development process. This is the most interesting part that demands endless creativity and complete professionalism from a developer. When a customer buys the premium WordPress theme or template on other CMS, he expects to achieve the top-rated, stunning looking product that meets the latest web designing requirements. Thus, professionals always monitor all changes in their sphere and implement the newest trends into their works.

2018 promises to be the year of rich experiences. Chatbots, voice user interfaces, intelligence displayed by machines and virtual reality become a mainstream for web designing. Simple and smart, clean and meaningful designs will wait for next year customers.

Take a look at the colorful and deliberate infographic below that is represented as Odyssey in 2018. Template Monster team of web specialists, that have developed one of the hugest template marketplaces with an extensive product line, has created this data visualization.

Consider these trends for 2018 and put them into practice.

AI and Machine Learning

Machine learning gives devices (computers and mobiles) the ability to learn even without deep programming. For instance, Facebook knows users’ behavior, habits and can anticipate their next step, so that pushing them to the definite action. Have you ever wondered why the ads, promo, and other pop-ups on the social media platform mostly answer your needs? Facebook gathers data about your location, recent search queries and understands your preferences that result in delivering personalized content.


With such conversational agents, users can ask verbally any question at any time. This implementation saves customers’ time and stimulates them to action. Many simple chatterbots scan for keywords within the input and then produce a reply with the smartest keyword match.

Natural Language Processing or NLP

This technology allows chatbots to become fully verbal and produce a natural conversation with customers.

Progressive Web Apps

With the PWA it will be easier to provide users with push notifications, offline mode, and splash screens. These apps perfectly suit mobiles significantly improving customers’ experience there.

Seamless Interactions

This human-centered design element speeds up your interaction with any website. It allows communicating in real time breaking all possible barriers in the way of connectivity. Users always face this element while liking posts on Facebook or setting a status message there.

Scroll Triggered Animations

“If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.” Your website has to be simple and understandable with incredibly intuitive usability. With scroll triggered animations website visitors will be plainly invited to scroll to desirable contact forms and other conversion-oriented elements.

Virtual Reality

Web design is on the way to virtual reality. Now customers can enjoy virtual 3D products reviews, 360-degree videos, and feel like it is possible to dive into another dimension. No doubt, such innovative and interactive technology will come in handy those who are engaged in e-commerce.

Internet of Things

The IoT allows devices and other physical items successfully cooperate with various software and network connectivity that results in connecting and exchanging data. There are tons of examples of such an embedded computing system – apps to find keys or security video monitoring. Users will be able to easily interact with different smart devices if the website has an IoT interface.


With an extremely growing number of malicious hacking and malware attacks, security is a topical issue. Users prefer working with secure and trustworthy platforms and downloading data with no fear to be attacked. Thus web designers have to take into consideration this important trend and make effort to protect users’ confidential info.

Image extensions

There are tons of image extensions – from traditional JPG to highly demanded SVG that promises to be on trend in 2018. With SVG format you won’t need to compromise on image quality since it can be exported as a code. No CSS or JavaScript is required to edit images.

Typographic Explosion

Forget about picture heavy designs and welcome to stunning typography. This scalable design provides quick page loading that is great both for user experience and search rankings. Expressive typography has thousands of styles that can subconsciously evoke specific associations and turn different fonts into messages to human minds.


These video clips are made by taking series of pictures or video and give the illusion of animation. This extremely innovative, engaging and alluring tool will be highly demanded in 2018 for presenting various products. It allows a 360-degree viewing of a product that will definitely grab customers’ attention to your brand.

All these web design trends will change the way people used to experience on websites. They promise a very exciting and engaging web year since developers have unlimited freedom for their creativity. However, they should remember that the power is in simplicity and design is just a silent ambassador for various brands.

All these web design trends will change the way people used to experience on websites. They promise a very exciting and engaging web year since developers have unlimited freedom for their creativity. However, they should remember that implementation of any new feature should start from their personal website. It will reveal professional skills and become a bright example for potential customers. Those who are just getting started in web design can freely use WordPress templates for web design company, which are already built according to the newest tendencies.

A new year is just around the corner, so it’s time to turn your mind to the newest trends and dive into the world of simple looking yet high-performance websites.

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